responsible tourism

The fact that I travel frequently makes me aware of how tourism can negatively impact the environment and local communities. For this reason, I am always looking for ways to experience new destinations in a sustainable and eco-friendly way. Mexico City, with its vibrant culture, rich history, and bustling streets, is a destination that has captivated me for years. But when it comes to travel, I realize that my desire to see and experience the world has a responsibility to be mindful of the footprint that I leave behind. That's why I'm excited to share some ideas on how to explore Mexico City in a way that's both safe and sustainable. By choosing greener transportation options like the Metro or biking, staying in eco-friendly accommodations, and supporting local businesses, we can reduce our impact on the environment and contribute positively to the communities we visit. I believe that travel is a privilege, and with that privilege comes a duty to respect the places we visit and the people who call those places home. So let's dive into some ideas for sustainable travel in Mexico City and discover the city in a way that's good for everyone involved.

Mexico City's public transport system is not only affordable and safe, but it's also eco-friendly! By taking the Metro or Metrobus, visitors can explore the city's cultural attractions, indulge in local cuisine, and experience responsible travel. This idea is not only practical, but it's creative and attractive to those who want to travel sustainably.

– Plan Ahead: Before leaving on your eco-friendly adventure, research the Metro or Metrobus routes to determine which lines you'll need to take. You can download map apps to navigate around the city, such as Mexico City Metro Map.
– Use a Reusable Water Bottle: It's essential to stay hydrated while on the go, but plastic water bottles are not environmentally friendly. A reusable water bottle is a great way to help reduce your carbon footprint.
– Bring a Reusable Tote Bag: To avoid contributing to plastic waste, bring a reusable tote bag for your purchases. Most stores in Mexico City do not provide bags, so bringing your own is eco-friendly and practical.
– Try Eco-Friendly Dining Options: One of the best things about Mexico City, besides its transportation, is its food! Try eating in restaurants that focus on sustainability, such as those that use locally sourced ingredients, and support their community.
– Dispose of Waste Properly: When exploring the city, be responsible about waste disposal. Put your trash in public bins or take it with you for proper disposal elsewhere. It's important to leave the city cleaner than we found it.
– Take a Walking Tour: Another great way to explore Mexico City sustainably is by taking a walking tour.
This way, you can experience the city in a more personal and unique way, and there's no need to worry about transportation.
– Learn About Mexico City's Urban Planning: Mexico City is a jewel for urban planning, with its resilience to disasters like earthquakes in taking the challenge of sustainable living in stride. Take the time to learn and appreciate how the city is designed.

By taking the Metro or Metrobus, using eco-friendly accessories and having a responsible attitude, travelers can have an eco-friendly getaway in Mexico City. Explore the city's attractions, taste the local cuisine, and travel sustainably. Join the eco-tourism community and travel responsibly!

Rent a Bicycle: Bicycle rentals are available in many places throughout the city and are a great way to get around and reduce emissions

Renting a bicycle is a creative and attractive way of engaging in sustainable travel. It not only helps reduce emissions but also promotes healthy and active lifestyles. Here are some tips and tricks on how to make the most out of renting a bicycle:

1. Plan your route: Before renting a bike, it is important to plan your route. This ensures that you get to your destination without getting lost and wasting time. You can use maps and apps to help you plan the route. Also, consider the terrain and the cycling infrastructure available.

2. Choose the right bike: Different types of bikes are suitable for different terrains and cycling styles. For instance, a road bike is suitable for long-distance rides on smooth roads while a mountain bike is ideal for rough terrains such as hills mountains. Ensure you choose the right bike for your needs.

3. Safety first: Safety should be your top priority. Wear a helmet and other protective gear to safeguard yourself from injuries. Also, obey traffic rules and pack a toolkit and a spare tube in case of a breakdown.

4. Rent from a reputable company: Rent from a reputable bike rental company to ensure that you get a well-maintained bike. You can check online reviews or ask for referrals from friends.

5. Cycle responsibly: Be mindful of your surroundings when cycling and be courteous to other road users. Don't cycle on pedestrian walkways, and avoid cycling on busy roads during peak hours.

The importance of sustainable travel for the environment and for your wellbeing cannot be overstated. Renting a bicycle is a creative and attractive way of engaging in sustainable travel. By following the tips and tricks above, you can make the most out of renting a bike and have an enjoyable and eco-friendly travel experience.

Take a Walking Tour: Exploring the city on foot is a great way to get to know the city and its history while reducing your carbon footprint

Exploring a new city while being environmentally conscious is a growing trend. A walking tour is an eco-friendly and responsible way to get to know the city, its history, and cultural attractions while reducing your carbon footprint. Mexico City is a perfect example as it is a large metropolitan city with a rich history and cultural heritage. Here are some tips and tricks to make the most out of your sustainable travel experience in Mexico City:

1. Plan your route: Research and plan what you want to see in advance. This way, you can maximize your time, avoid getting lost, and minimize your energy consumption.

2. Wear comfortable shoes and dress appropriately: Ensure you are wearing comfortable shoes and dress for the weather. Bring a hat, sunscreen, and water to keep you comfortable throughout the tour.

3. Use public transportation: Use public transportation to reach your starting point, such as a Metro bus. This way, you avoid unnecessary carbon emissions from taxis or ride-sharing services.

4. Support local businesses: Look for small local businesses, cafes, and restaurants on your tour. These businesses help support the local economy, offer authentic experiences, and often use locally sourced ingredients, which reduces their carbon footprint.

5. Bring a reusable water bottle: Stay hydrated and reduce your impact on the environment by bringing a reusable water bottle.

6. Consider hiring a local tour guide: Hiring a local tour guide is an excellent way to learn more about the city's history, culture, and hidden gems. It also supports local jobs and provides knowledge about the city's eco-tourism practices.

7. Respect the community and environment: Respect local communities and the environment by avoiding littering, using designated trash cans, and sticking to designated pathways to avoid damaging ecosystems.

The benefits of walking tours include reducing your carbon footprint and supporting local businesses and communities, as well as offering a great way to discover Mexico City. Sustainable travel is an important initiative that contributes to eco-friendly practices and conscious tourism.

Choose Green Hotels: Look for hotels and hostels that prioritize green practices, such as using renewable energy sources and recycling

1. Look for eco-certifications: Look for hotels and hostels that have certifications such as Green Key LEED, as they are recognized for their sustainable practices such as saving water, energy, reducing waste.

2. Book eco-conscious accommodations online: There are numerous websites and apps that help you find eco-conscious accommodations such as BookDifferent, Green Hotels Association, and Eco Hotels.

3. Pack light: Traveling light can reduce carbon emissions and save energy. It can help you avoid checking a bag and save a little money while keeping your travels sustainable.

4. Use public transportation: Utilize sustainable transportation methods such as buses, trains or ride shares to limit your carbon footprint while traveling.

5. Reduce water usage: Conserving water while traveling can help protect valuable resources the environment. Turn off water faucets when not using them, reuse towels, and skip daily change of linens.

6. Say no to single-use plastic: Carrying reusable alternatives and saying no to single-use plastic straws, water bottles, and shopping bags can prevent their contribution to environmental pollution.

7. Support local communities: Sustainable travel should also seek to benefit local communities. Eat from local food vendors, buy locally made souvenirs, and tours owned by the locals.

8. Respect nature: Avoid damaging or disturbing the environment while traveling. Follow the Leave No Trace principles, avoid feeding wildlife, and do not take part in activities that exploit animals.

9. Recycle: Be sure to properly dispose of waste and recycle whenever possible, promoting circularity and reducing the strain on natural resources.

10. Spread awareness: Educate yourself and the people around you about sustainable travel. Learn more, share valuable information and be a sustainable traveler by promoting sustainable practices wherever you go.

Eat Local: Eating local food is a great way to support local businesses and reduce your food miles

“Eat Local” is a creative and attractive idea for sustainable travel, as it not only supports the local economy but also reduces your carbon footprint. By choosing to eat local food, you are ensuring that the money you spend on food stays within the community, and you are also reducing the transportation emissions associated with importing food from distant locations. Here are some tips and tricks to help you eat locally while traveling:

1. Research local food options before your trip: Before you embark on your travels, research the local foods that are available in the places you plan to visit. This way, you can plan your meals around these foods and make the most of the local cuisine.

2. Shop at farmers' markets: Farmers' markets are a great way to support local farmers and buy fresh, locally-grown produce. Many farmers' markets offer a range of other products like honey, dairy, and meat.

3. Choose restaurants that use local ingredients: Look for restaurants that use locally-sourced ingredients on their menus. This not only supports local farmers and food producers but also ensures that the food you eat is fresh and in season.

4. Cook your meals using local ingredients: If you have access to a kitchen while traveling, consider cooking your meals using local ingredients. This is a great way to save money and reduce your carbon footprint.

5. Be open to trying new foods: Eating local food is a great way to try new foods and flavors that you may not have otherwise been exposed to. Be open to trying new dishes and ask your server or the locals for recommendations.

By following these simple tips and tricks, you can eat locally while traveling, support local businesses, and reduce your carbon footprint.

Avoid Single-Use Plastics: Bring reusable water bottles, bags, and cutlery to reduce your plastic consumption

A key part of sustainable travel is reducing plastic consumption. Below are some tips and tricks for avoiding single-use plastics and bringing reusable items instead.

1. Bring a reusable water bottle: Invest in a high-quality reusable water bottle and fill it up before leaving your accommodation. This will not only save you money but also reduce plastic waste.
2. Pack a reusable bag: Bring a reusable bag with you when you go shopping or for souvenirs. Avoid plastic bags at all costs.
3. Bring your own cutlery: Disposable cutlery is often made of plastic. Bringing your own reusable set of utensils can help reduce plastic waste.
4. Refuse plastic straws: When ordering drinks, refuse plastic straws or bring your own reusable one.
5. Choose sustainable accommodations: When booking accommodations, look for ones that have a sustainability policy that includes reducing plastic waste.

By implementing these small changes, you can make a big difference in reducing your plastic consumption while traveling sustainably.

Use Public Parks: Mexico City has some beautiful parks and green spaces, making it a great place to relax while being mindful of your environmental impact

As sustainable travel gains importance among tourists, exploring nature and natural spaces has become one of the most prevalent ways of enjoying your trip in an eco-friendly manner. Mexico City boasts some breathtaking parks where tourists can spend a day of sheer bliss in the warmth of the sun while taking part in recreational activities like hiking, biking, and swimming. Here are some tips and tricks for enjoying a sustainable, eco-friendly day out in Mexico City's parks:

1. Use environmentally friendly transport- The government of Mexico City has been introducing green transport in recent years, with many parks now having bike and scooter hire options. This saves fuel and reduces the number of cars on the road, reducing carbon emissions.

2. Follow the park rules- To preserve the park's green spaces, it’s essential to respect its rules, such as keeping to designated paths to avoid damaging plant life.

3. Pack eco-friendly snacks- Avoid using single-use plastic by packing your snacks, drinks, and other essentials in reusable containers.

4. Choose outdoor activities – Consider engaging in outdoor activities like yoga or meditation, in keeping with sustainable travel practices.

5. Pick up your trash – Maintaining the cleanliness of public places is essential to preserve the environment, so always make sure to leave your area free of any litter.

6. Respect the wildlife- Observe the wildlife from a respectful distance when spotting animals, resist touching or feeding them, and remember to adhere to any warnings or regulations.

It's easy to have fun responsibly in Mexico City's public parks. Combined with an eco-conscious mindset, the eco-friendly activities and practices in the open spaces make for an enjoyable, environmentally conscious day out.

Support Responsible Tourism: Look for companies that are involved in sustainable tourism initiatives and help to protect the environment

1. Start with Research: Do your research beforehand. Look for companies that have a strong track record of being involved in sustainable tourism initiatives. This can include having eco-friendly practices, supporting local communities, and promoting responsible travel.

2. Look into Accommodation: Accommodation is a huge aspect of travelling sustainably. Look for hotels, lodges, and camps that support eco-tourism initiatives. Research the accommodations and read reviews to understand their commitment to sustainable travel practices.

3. Choose Transportation Wisely: Transportation is another crucial aspect of sustainable travel. Look for companies that use biofuels or electric vehicles. Avoid air travel if possible and opt for more sustainable alternatives such as cycling, walk tours public transportation.

4. Eat Local and Sustainability: Food is often a big part of the travel experience. Look for restaurants that source produce locally and avoid non-environmental materials. Adopt a vegan or vegetarian diet, which often has a lower carbon footprint.

5. Reduce Waste: Focus on reducing waste by packing eco-friendly products. Be aware of overuse of water, energy and plastics.

6. Support Local Communities: Look for opportunities to interact with the local residents. Buy souvenirs from local craftspeople or support local community development initiatives.

7. Spread Awareness: Encourage others in your circle to travel sustainably. Social media can be an excellent platform to showcase sustainable travel.

Traveling sustainably isn't always easy, but small steps have a huge impact on the environment. By making a conscience effort, we can all reduce our environmental impact.

Respect the Environment: Respect the local environment by disposing of trash responsibly and avoiding activities that could damage the environment

Sustainable travel practices can be integrated into many aspects of your travel experience, and one of the most important is respecting the local environment. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you do just that.

1. Pack light and responsibly: Bring only what you need and avoid items that will need to be thrown away, such as disposable water bottles single-use plastic packaging.

2. Bring reusable bags: Carry a reusable shopping bag with you when you go out to avoid using plastic bags from stores, markets or street vendors.

3. Dispose of trash properly: Be mindful of local laws and disposal systems for waste. If you are unsure, ask for help from locals or your accommodation providers. Never litter or leave waste in public areas.

4. Use eco-friendly products: Opt for eco-friendly products such as sunscreens, insect repellents, and toiletries that don't contain harmful chemicals.

5. Support sustainable businesses: Choose accommodations, tours and activities that have sustainability as a core value. This could include locally owned and operated businesses that give back to the local community or contribute to conservation efforts.

6. Stay on marked trails: When hiking or exploring natural areas, stick to established paths to avoid damaging fragile ecosystems.

By incorporating these tips and tricks into your travel routine, you can help make a positive impact on the environment and support sustainable travel practices.

Respect Local Culture: Respect the local culture by being mindful of your actions and dress code

You must be mindful and respectful of the local culture when traveling sustainably. Here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind: 1. Dress appropriately: Check the local dress code and dress accordingly. Avoid wearing revealing or inappropriate clothing, especially when visiting religious sites or conservative areas.

2. Follow local customs: Be aware of local customs and respect them. For example, in some countries, it's customary to remove your shoes before entering homes or certain buildings.

3. Learn about the culture: Take the time to learn about the local culture, customs, and traditions before your trip. This will help you understand and appreciate the culture and avoid any unintentional disrespect.

4. Use local guides: Hire a local guide who can provide insight and guidance about the local customs and culture, as well as recommended sustainable activities and businesses.

5. Learn the language: Even just learning a few basic phrases in the local language can go a long way in showing respect for the local culture.

By respecting the local culture, you are not only being a responsible and respectful traveler, but you are also helping to support sustainable tourism practices.


It is important to promote sustainable travel because it benefits the environment as well as the people who live there. As we explored sustainable travel in Mexico City, we discovered that there are safe and eco-friendly ways to explore the city while minimizing our carbon footprint. Taking the Metro or Metrobus, renting a bicycle, taking a walking tour, choosing green hotels, and eating local food are all practices that can help us travel more sustainably and contribute to a better world. By incorporating these practices into our travel plans, we can not only reduce our impact on the environment but also support local businesses and learn more about the places we visit. Ultimately, sustainable travel is not only relevant to our daily lives, but it can also enhance our travel experiences and create a positive impact on the world around us.